Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sam Adams Longshot Homebrew Contest Results

Back in August I entered the Sam Adams Homebrew Contest. I didn't hear anything back, but they were supposed to send your scores to you for each beer submitted.

Well, finally they arrived, and I am quite pleased with my results.

I submitted three beers, a Hefeweizen (which I knew had no chance, I don't really like it that much, but I figured I had room in the box to send it, why not), an IPA, and an Oatmeal Stout.

The Hefeweizen did as I expected, terrible, but the other two did rather well.

For the IPA I received scores of 38 and 40 out of 50 for a final score of 39.

For the Oatmeal Stout I received scores of 41 and 42 out of 50 for a final score of 41.5.

Sam Adams was also nice enough to send a t-shirt too with the Sam Adams logo on the front, and the Longshot logo on the back.