Sunday, November 14, 2010

Belgian Dark Strong Ale

Decided to brew again yesterday so we'd have a variety of beer for the holidays.  I started with the Ommegang Three Philosophers recipe in Brew Like a Monk, page 248.

Calculated for 5 gallons and am altering to adjust to my timeline.

10lbs. 11oz.  Dingeman's Belgian Pale Malt
2lbs.   12oz.  Dingeman's Belgian Munich Malt
1lb.  Flaked Wheat
10oz.  Dingeman's Special B Malt
9oz.    Dingeman's CaraMunich Malt
6oz.    Dingeman's CaraVienna Malt
10oz.  Dark Candi Sugar 275L

1oz.   Northern Brewer hops 8% AAU

White Labs WLP500  Trappist Ale Yeast

Infusion Mashed the pale, munich, and wheat at 155F for 75 minutes.  Added Special B, CaraMunich, CaraVienna to lauter tun during sparging.

Collected 8 gallons of wort.  Boiled for 75 minutes down to 6.5 gallons.  Added Candi Sugar.

Added hops and boiled for 75 more minutes.  A gorgeous brown with hints of red.

OG 83, recipe specified 87.  Pretty close.

Cooled to 86F and pitched yeast.  Fermenting at 68F.

Need to think of a good name for this one.

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